Wicker Hamilton values and treats all people with dignity and
respect. We aim to encourage, value and manage Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, harassment or victimisation. We wish to attain a workforce representative of society to ensure we secure the widest pool of talent available.
It is our aim to ensure that no employee, job applicant or candidate receives less favourable facilities or treatment (either directly or indirectly) in recruitment or employment on grounds of age, disability, gender / gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy / maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation (the protected characteristics).
This Policy, and other associated arrangements/policies, shall operate in accordance with statutory requirements (including the Equality Act 2010). In addition, full account will be taken of any guidance or Codes of Practice issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, any Government Departments and/or any other statutory bodies.
Our Commitment:
- To create an inclusive culture where everyone can be valued for who they are and in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff are recognised and valued.
- Our recruitment, selection and assessment process will be based entirely on skills and competencies of the specific roles and appointments will be transparent and based entirely on merit.
- Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
- We will ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff and based on objective criteria.
- To promote EDI in the workplace, which we believe is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
- We will regularly review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
- Where we are advised, we will make reasonable adjustments (if needed) to ensure that our services and offices can be accessed.
- Breaches of our EDI Policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.
- Third-party harassment, concerning our staff or candidates, relating to a protected characteristic will not be tolerated. The employee concerned should inform their line manager at once and Wicker Hamilton will fully investigate and take all reasonable steps to ensure such harassment does not happen again.
- This policy is fully supported by the Leadership Team. The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually by the Wicker Hamilton Managing Directors and the HR Manager.
For Candidates and Clients:
- Our staff will not discriminate directly or indirectly, or harass candidates or clients because of age, disability, gender / gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy / maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation in the provision of Wicker Hamilton’s goods and services
- Job advertisements used will be non-discriminatory. Similarly, on and offline advertisements will be diverse and inclusive, targeting all suitable potential job applicants.
- Any selection criterion is based upon merit and the ability to do the job, regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or philosophical belief.
- No job applicant or employee shall receive less favourable treatment than any another person does, on grounds that are discriminatory, in any form.
The responsibility of the Leadership at Wicker Hamilton:
The effective implementation and operation of the arrangements for EDI will rest with the Wicker Hamilton Managing Directors. Directors / Managers will ensure that they and their staff operate within this policy and arrangements, and that all reasonable and practical steps are taken to avoid discrimination.
HR will be responsible for monitoring the operation of this policy in respect of employees and applicants, including ad hoc audits.
All managers and staff responsible for or involved in drafting job specifications, job advertisements, application sifting, selection interviewing, confirmation of appointments, completion of the performance management framework, consideration of employees for training and development and promotion opportunities will be made aware of and act in accordance with this policy.
Training will be provided for managers and staff to increase their awareness of this policy and the associated arrangements. This policy is covered in the company induction.